A fantastic group of interactive, fun workshops for those who want to experience personal development in a friendly, safe environment. 


Watch out for new dates and locations of workshops on our events page!

Workshop 1 - Motivate Me!

Helps you to discover your core values and looks at confidence building, personal motivation and what it takes to find your purpose and achieve better work/life balance.

Workshop 2 - Brand Me!

Who are you?  What impression are you giving?  This workshop explains the importance of personal branding and helps you to create a brand that reflects your authentic self.  Find out what “being yourself” really feels like.

Workshop 3 - Let’s Talk!

What is it that makes talking or interacting with certain people so difficult?  This workshop focuses on communication styles and preferences and could really help you become a truly effective communicator.

Workshop 4 - Go with Your Gut!

Gut instinct, sixth sense, intuition - whatever you call it, you know you have it.  You just don’t always listen to it, until it’s too late!  We will define intuition, look at how to cultivate it and value it, and how to set goals using it.

Workshop 5 - Picture This!

Visualisation is a powerful tool.  If you can clearly visualise how you want your life to be then you are on your way to achieving it.  During this very interactive workshop you will be encouraged and guided to create your own personal vision board.

Workshop 6 - Celebrate Success!

Move forward with a positive mind-set, reflect and show gratitude for the good things, acknowledge the not so good things and identify the learning we will take forward with us.


This series of half day workshops is a great introduction to personal development and recommended for anyone who wants to become more motivated, inspired and connected to their authentic self.  Workshops run from 10am - 2pm.

SINGLE WORKSHOPS - Introductory Price of £49 per workshop paid for in advance via PayPal  (normal price will be £59 per workshop).

FULL PROGRAMMEIntroductory Price of £250 for all 6 workshops booked and paid for in advance via PayPal (normal price will be £300).

For dates and venues click here

More workshops to to be added soon!